Sports Drinks Industry — Very Potential, But Not Properly Recognized

It has only recently appeared on the market, but the sports drinks industry is receiving attention from consumers, especially on social media. Although the amount of discussion is low, sports drinks are a very potential segment in the beverage market.
It has only recently appeared on the market recently, but sports drinks are receiving significant attention from consumers, especially on social media. Although the number of discussions about sports drinks is still quite low compared to energy drinks, through what is discussed by users on social media, it can be said that sports drinks are a very potential segment in the beverage market.
Sports Drinks Are Being Viewed Positively on Social Media
Although sports drinks are still a new type of drink and not familiar to many people, consumers are generally taking a rather positive view of this drink on social media. According to the report Category research — Sports drink by BuzzMetrics: In the first quarter of 2014, here are the biggest concerns about sports drinks being discussed on social media:

It can be seen that consumers still have a lot of concerns about sports drinks, but in generl he discussion is focused on the effects and benefits of this type of product. Besides general discussions about quality, taste, composition, etc., consumers also mention “Electrolyte Compensation”, “Thirst Relief”, “Energy Compensation” (which is characteristic of this type of drink). Although the number of discussions is small, these are the topics of sports drinks that should be amplified by brands on social media.

Advantages of sports drinks over energy drinks
Energy Drinks---- Appearing on the market for a long time, it is considered a good choice for instant energt recovery, but at the same time carries an unhealthy image that is already deeply imprinted in the minds of consumers, especially women.

Sports Drinks---- While the energy drink market is gradually saturated with a variety of familiar brands such as Sting, Number 1, Redbull, etc., sports drinks are opening up a new market with products that replenish minerals and electrolytes for the body without harm to health. Sports drinks are less negatively evaluated than energy drinks, but the use is not yet well understood by users.

It can be seen that the current negative discussions about sports drinks mainly stem from the fact that consumers still do not really understand this drink, most notably that many users claim sports drinks are the same as soft drinks and not good for health.
What do sports drink brands need to do?
At a time when the habit of using sports drinks is still quite alien to consumers, brands need to take further steps to provide consumers with more complete information about sports drinks
1. Sports drinks are not soft drinks: Currently, consumers are still quite blind about the concept of sports drinks, which has led to misunderstandings about this product, most notably the fact that many people assume that sports drinks are also soft drinks. Therefore, the first thing that brands need to do is to erase this association.
2. Strengthen the habit of using sports drinks during movement: Brands need to raise consumer awareness of the use of sports drinks as methods energy replenishment, minerals and electrolytesoptimal during movement.
3. Advantages of sports drinks over energy drinks:Emphasize the benefits sports drinks bring to users that energy drinks fail to do, especially the health benefits.
4. Strengthening presence in sports leagues:Aquarius's sponsorship of the FIFA World Cup 2014, an international sporting event, has made Aquarius a highly appreciated product in the eyes of users thanks to the image “Official Sports Drink of FIFA World Cup 2014”.
Articles using data in reporting Category research — Sports drink, Quarter 1 2014 by Buzzmetrics.
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