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From Rookie to Top Performer: Decoding the 'Phenomenon' of Mitsubishi X-Force through the Lens of Social Listening

Launched in the Vietnamese market in January 2024, the Mitsubishi Xforce is considered the 'dark horse' of the Vietnamese automotive scene. In fact, just this past July 2024, the Xforce reached the top spot for the first time on the list of best-selling cars in Vietnam, with 1,748 units sold. Additionally, the Xforce generated significant discussion among users on Vietnamese social media, with 15,515 buzz mentions. What has made the Xforce attract such attention? Let’s explore through the lens of Buzzmetrics' Social Listening in the article below.

Mitsubishi X-Force ranks in the top 10 most-discussed car models in the first half of 2024

Despite only being launched earlier this year, the Mitsubishi X-Force garnered 15,515 mentions, placing it in the top 10 most-discussed car models on social media between January 1, 2024, and July 31, 2024. Notably, when compared to other B-SUV segment models, the X-Force ranks just behind the Toyota Vios and Kia Sonet, with its discussion volume almost matching that of the well-established Kia Sonet (15,579 mentions).

Observing the discussion trends, the volume of discussions about the Mitsubishi X-Force surged in March 2024 when Mitsubishi Motors Vietnam, along with its official authorized dealers, delivered the All-New X-Force to customers. This event attracted significant attention from the community, causing the discussion volume to peak at a total of 2,753 discussions.

Later, in June, the volume of discussions gradually increased as dealers began accepting deposits for the Ultimate version – the highest trim of the new Mitsubishi X-Force. The anticipation of the vehicle arriving in Vietnam and being delivered in July further heightened customer excitement and interest, resulting in a gradual increase in discussions, reaching 2,371 discussions in July.

Facebook and TikTok are the two main sources of discussion about the Mitsubishi X-Force. 

In the first seven months of 2024, from January 1 to July 31, Facebook was the most frequently used platform for discussing the Mitsubishi X-Force on social media. On fanpages, particularly in community groups dedicated to XFC vehicle users, individuals regularly share personal impressions and reviews of the design and features of the Mitsubishi X-Force. This has created a vibrant discussion community where potential consumers can seek opinions from those who have had real-world experience.

TikTok is also a valuable platform for discussing the automotive industry, capturing 31.29% of the discussion share, second only to Facebook. TikTok should be prioritized in communication activities due to its ability to showcase the outstanding design features of both the interior and exterior through short-form video content. Mitsubishi has skillfully utilized TikTok to highlight features and test drive experiences, and has collaborated with influencers to enhance discussions around the X-Force model.

This vehicle line is quite lively with diverse discussions from the brand, users, sellers, and online media on social networks, including:

(1) The largest volume of discussions comes from sellers, clearly reflecting the strong spread of the Mitsubishi X-Force across distribution channels. The role of sellers goes beyond providing product information; they are a crucial bridge between the brand and customers. Through these discussions, sellers contribute to shaping customer perceptions and building trust in the new vehicle line. 

(2) User-generated discussions account for a significant proportion, indicating that users are not just passively receiving information but actively sharing their opinions and personal experiences. Capturing and analyzing these discussions will help Mitsubishi better understand customer needs and expectations, allowing for more effective adjustments to marketing strategies.

(3) Following this are discussions from brand voice and online media channels. Online media is an essential source if the brand wants to reinforce its image and provide reliable information to consumers.

With the buzz accounting for over 28% of the discussion share, what are consumers discussing about the Mitsubishi X-Force?

Delving deeper into consumer discussions on social media, the top concerns of users when choosing a car brand are:

  1. Design: Design is a crucial factor in the car selection process as it not only determines the initial impression but also reflects the user’s lifestyle and personality in the long term. Therefore, design is always highly valued by consumers when deciding to purchase a car. 
  2. Price: Price is especially important in high-involvement categories like automobiles. Consumers want to know if the price is commensurate with the value it offers and compare it with other car segments to make a well-informed decision. 

The X-Force was also developed by Mitsubishi to meet the needs of Southeast Asian consumers. In fact, the development team from the Japanese automaker even came to Vietnam to study market preferences and demands before launching a suitable commercial version. Therefore, it is no surprise that the two key factors—'Design' and 'Price'—are also pivotal in the appeal of this vehicle in the market.

In analyzing consumer voice related to the Mitsubishi X-Force, the two most prominent factors that consumers discuss and pay attention to are price (29.6%) and design (24.9%):

  • Design: Much like the Xpander, the X-Force features an eye-catching design. Mitsubishi has skillfully made its B-segment SUV appear larger and more powerful than its actual size, so the X-Force looks like a C-segment crossover. With dimensions of 4,390 mm in length, 1,810 mm in width, and 1,660 mm in height, the X-Force still surpasses its competitors and can be considered a 'B+' in its segment. The vehicle also features 18-inch wheels and a top segment ground clearance of 222 mm. It is evident that most of the success factors of the Xpander are also present in the X-Force.
  • Price: Despite its excellent design, the X-Force is priced very attractively, starting at just 599 million VND compared to other models like the base version of the HR-V, which is priced around 700 million VND.

The ratio of positive to negative discussions is also quite stable, centering around praise for the vehicle's design and its affordable price. 

It can be said that addressing users' concerns has helped the 'newcomer' X-Force quickly climb to the top 10 best-selling vehicles in the first half of the year despite its recent launch.

Is Mitsubishi's communication strategy aligning with users' top concerns about cars? 

It can be observed that design and price are the two strategic (must-win) factors that primarily influence consumer perceptions and behaviors in the automotive industry. These are the factors that the brand must focus on first and secure at all costs. By understanding user insights, Mitsubishi has chosen to highlight 'price' and 'design' (functional benefits) rather than wasting money on campaigns building abstract images of the good life (emotional benefits). This approach helps customers accurately understand the product.

Specifically, Mitsubishi X-Force effectively emphasizes 'design' and 'price' in its communication activities:  

  1. Minigame for sharing experiences with the X-Force: A minigame is an effective tool to create interaction with consumers. By inviting them to share their experiences with the Mitsubishi X-Force, the brand not only captures attention but also generates a large amount of user-generated content (UGC). This content not only reflects genuine consumer impressions but also naturally and authentically spreads the vehicle's features and design on social media.
  2. National Display & Test Drive Events for Mitsubishi X-Force Ultimate: The vehicle display events allow consumers to visually and physically experience the design of the Mitsubishi X-Force. They can closely observe details, appreciate the refinement in every line, and assess the overall beauty of the vehicle. Test drive events provide an opportunity for customers to personally verify the X-Force's performance. Driving the vehicle helps them experience its comfort, acceleration, road grip, and safety features. This firsthand experience helps customers clearly understand the quality and value the product offers compared to their expectations from marketing information. These emotions often become decisive factors in speeding up their purchase decisions.

What can other car brands learn from Mitsubishi’s case? 

Focus communication efforts on the vehicle's strengths and Vietnamese users' design preferences 

Communication campaigns that focus on evoking emotions (emotional benefits), such as Toyota's ‘Start Your Impossible’ campaign, can create strong emotional connections with customers. However, they are not always effective in driving purchase behavior, especially when fundamental factors like design and price are not addressed first. Instead of dispersing resources across multiple campaigns that may not yield optimal results, Mitsubishi chose to concentrate resources on communication activities that highlight aspects they know Vietnamese consumers care about the most, such as continuous minigame activities to generate naturally spreading UGC content, along with a nationwide series of display events. This is a smart approach to ensure maximum effectiveness for every dollar spent.

Although Mitsubishi did not conduct as many large-scale promotional campaigns as competitors, it made effective use of its dealer network and sales team. This is a wise approach, leveraging available resources to boost sales. Dealers and salespeople can provide direct consultation, address inquiries, and support buyers, significantly influencing purchasing decisions.

Utilize TikTok in communication strategies

  • Cost-effective advertising: Compared to traditional platforms like TV and OOH, TikTok offers promotional opportunities at lower costs due to its intelligent distribution mechanism, which helps optimize the budget while achieving high reach and engagement.
  • Short-form video format showcases design and features effectively: The short-form video format allows brands to easily highlight vehicle design and features, providing a more vivid and visual experience for customers compared to static images or long-form content. 
  • Enhance reach through KOLs/KOCs: TikTok is home to many influential influencers in various fields, including the automotive sector. By collaborating with relevant influencers, car brands can leverage their credibility to attract attention and increase trust among potential customers.
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Decoding the "Vaccine Industry" Through the Lens of Social Listening

The vaccine industry plays a crucial role in public health, helping to prevent and control the spread of infectious diseases, protect community health, and reduce the risk of outbreaks. However, as a sensitive sector with significant impact on public health, vaccine brands must adhere to strict regulations in their communication efforts. In this context, understanding users' concerns and anxieties is essential for accurate and effective communication on social media.

The Vaccine Industry: A Social Media Spotlight 

Vaccines are a critical aspect of public health, essential for preventing and controlling the spread of infectious diseases. However, given its significant impact on public health, the vaccine industry must adhere to strict communication regulations. Understanding user concerns and anxieties is key for accurate and effective social media communication.

Flu Vaccines: The Focus of Discussion

Flu vaccines are among the most discussed types due to their importance in preventing widespread and potentially serious illnesses, particularly for vulnerable groups such as the elderly, children, pregnant women, and those with underlying conditions.

Previously, social media discussions primarily focused on the effectiveness of flu vaccines in preventing seasonal flu, with stable engagement. Recently, some have speculated that flu vaccines might help prevent COVID-19, though this is not yet proven, highlighting the need for clear and accurate information about flu vaccines' effectiveness and role in public health.

On social media, discussions about flu vaccines vary significantly across different groups. Mothers with young children are the most prominent, making up about 60-80% of the conversations. This indicates their strong focus on protecting their children's health through vaccination. Meanwhile, older adults, caregivers, and those with underlying health conditions represent around 20-40% of the discussions, mainly concentrating on safeguarding their own and their loved ones' health against flu, particularly given the heightened risks associated with age and health conditions.

Flu vaccine discussions often blend positive and negative sentiments, addressing several key topics. A major point of interest is vaccine availability, with users frequently debating whether flu vaccines are easily accessible and if the supply is stable enough to meet demand. Concerns about vaccine side effects are also significant, with many people worried about potential adverse reactions and overall safety. Lastly, the importance of vaccination is highlighted, with discussions focusing on the benefits of flu vaccines in preventing illness and protecting public health.

Influences on Vaccination Decisions

In the past four years, flu vaccines have played a crucial role in encouraging early vaccination due to their high effectiveness in boosting immunity. With COVID-19 emerging as a pandemic in 2021 and initial distrust in COVID-19 vaccines, flu vaccines became a viable option to protect against flu and respiratory infections, especially for children. Understanding the symptoms and severe complications of the flu has driven demand for flu vaccines to protect personal and family health.

The necessity of vaccines is pivotal in shaping vaccination decisions. Research from 2021 indicates that communities with high flu vaccination rates experience significantly lower rates of flu illness and outbreaks compared to those with lower vaccination rates. This highlights the vaccine's effectiveness in preventing disease and controlling the spread of flu virus. When users understand the importance of vaccines in combating dangerous infectious diseases and maintaining community health, they are more likely to make responsible vaccination decisions.

Vaccines not only reduce the risk of illness but also provide protection for those unable to get vaccinated, such as young children or individuals with weak immune systems. Additionally, vaccination helps alleviate pressure on the healthcare system and reduces treatment costs. Awareness of these benefits can foster wider community consensus on vaccination.

Barriers to Flu Vaccination

A common barrier to flu vaccination has been the belief that vaccination is unnecessary. Many people think their immune system can protect them without vaccines, often due to a lack of information or misconceptions about the flu's dangers and the benefits of vaccination. Some suggest alternative methods like supplements or natural remedies to boost immunity and prevent the flu, believing these can replace vaccination. The popularity of these alternatives can diminish the priority given to flu vaccines in many people’s prevention plans.

Concerns about side effects and complications from flu vaccines also contribute to hesitation. Although serious incidents are rare, misinformation or negative personal experiences can cause fear and undermine confidence in vaccine safety. Addressing these challenges requires clear, transparent, and accessible information about vaccine benefits and safety to help the community understand and trust the vaccination process.

Brand Communication Strategies on Social Media

Vaxigrip and Influvac are two prominent flu vaccine brands discussed on social media, each with distinct communication strategies. Vaxigrip has established a strong market presence through effective campaigns, notably the Vaxigrip Tetra campaign in 2021, targeting vulnerable groups and leveraging social media to increase product awareness. This has helped Vaxigrip maintain a leading position in share of voice (SOV) over the years.

However, in 2023, Influvac surpassed Vaxigrip in SOV due to exclusive promotions and partnerships with major pharmacy chains and vaccination centers like Long Chau and VNVC. Influvac's strategies, including clear information about vaccine benefits and attractive promotions, helped it stand out and dominate the media landscape for the year.

The competition between Vaxigrip and Influvac on social media reflects not only the market share battle but also the importance of strategic communication in raising awareness and influencing consumer behavior regarding flu vaccination.


The vaccination industry is facing significant challenges on social media, particularly concerns about side effects and the perception that vaccination is unnecessary. To overcome these barriers, brands must enhance communication, tailor messaging for each age group, and collaborate with healthcare professionals to provide reliable information. Additionally, having a crisis management plan in place will help clarify the benefits of vaccines, transparently address concerns, and prevent misinformation, ultimately safeguarding public health and protecting brand reputation.

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Lessons from Automotive Industry Communication Crises

Media crises can happen to any brand at any time, especially in the age of booming social media. Therefore, building a specific response plan in case a media crisis occurs is a crucial factor in ensuring the brand's reputation in the market. In this article, Buzzmetrics will analyze a hypothetical crisis case study in the automotive industry. Through this, Buzzmetrics will offer suggestions for businesses to avoid mistakes when handling a crisis.

The case study data in this article is hypothetical, collected using Buzzmetrics' Social Listening tool, covering the crisis period from August 1, 2023, to January 31, 2024.

Summary of the Incident: In 2016, Toyota acquired all shares of Daihatsu. This partnership aimed to leverage Daihatsu’s expertise and technology, such as the DNGA platform, to develop compact vehicles. The communication crisis erupted in December 2023 when Toyota announced the suspension of Daihatsu vehicle sales due to safety fraud. Among the 20 affected models were Toyota Vios/Yaris vehicles using the DNGA platform. This also significantly impacted the Vietnamese market, as Toyota Vietnam announced on December 20, 2023, that it would temporarily halt the shipment of all Daihatsu-related vehicles to dealers for inspection.

1. Overview of the Automotive Industry on Social Media 

With 33,962,264,150 discussions recorded from January 1, 2023, to December 31, 2023, the automotive industry is highly active on social media, with updates on the market, traffic, vehicle reviews, and buying/selling activities.

Despite being a dynamic industry with discussions from brands, online sellers, and consumers, the automotive sector is particularly sensitive to negative news, whether old or foreign. These negative stories often revolve around safety tests of airbags, vehicle undercarriages, etc.The question here is: How can brands protect their reputation and detect issues early? Or, in the worst-case scenario of a crisis, how can they mitigate risks and avoid a media crisis? Let’s explore how automotive brand A handled a crisis in the case study below.

2. Case Study: Vehicle Safety Inspection Violations – The Source of a Brand’s Crisis 

a. Crisis Development on Social Media

In general, discussions about this brand surged in the second half of December when the crisis erupted in Vietnam on December 11, 2023. During other periods, conversations about the brand revolved only around the launch of new cars or vehicle reviews.

Looking closer, before the crisis occurred, brand discussions were relatively sparse and stable, remaining below 1,000 buzz, even during the product launch event in September 2023. This shows that while the launch of a new product is an important event, it was not enough to spark a significant surge in discussions on social media. During this period, the brand remained under control, facing no major public pressure or impact. However, from December 18, 2023, the crisis escalated, and discussions spiked dramatically to 8,489 buzz, an increase of about 8 times compared to normal levels. This sudden spike reflects not only a high level of public interest but also the potential danger and spread of the crisis. This crisis not only affected the brand's image but also posed the risk of widespread and prolonged consequences.

After the crisis broke out, the brand took timely action. This is evidenced by the rapid drop in buzz, forming a single peak on the chart. This is a positive sign, demonstrating that the brand had an effective crisis management plan, helping to stabilize the situation quickly and minimize damage.

People often think that media crises occur randomly without any patterns. In reality, every media crisis follows one of three main models:

1-Peak Model

  • This is the most common pattern during a media crisis, accounting for 85% of cases. In this model, the crisis has a single peak. In the first 1-3 days, the crisis escalates rapidly and reaches its peak. After reaching the peak, public and media interest gradually declines over the next 3-8 days.
  • This model typically reflects crises with short-term, concentrated impact, where a single incident or negative information spreads quickly and then cools down. If the company or organization manages the peak stage well, the situation can be effectively controlled.

2-Peak Model

  • This model accounts for 13% of crisis cases and has two peaks. The first peak occurs within 1-3 days, followed by a period of calm for a few days. However, a new factor (possibly additional information or a response from a stakeholder) causes the crisis to flare up again, creating a second peak within 5-7 days.
  • This model usually occurs when there are multiple complex factors or when the crisis involves a series of interconnected events. Managing this model requires preparation for unexpected situations, as well as the ability to respond to new factors that emerge after the initial crisis wave.

3-Multi-Peak Model

  • This is the rarest model, accounting for only 2% of cases. In this model, the crisis has multiple peaks. The first peak occurs within 3-5 days, and the subsequent peaks appear over the next 2-3 days.
  • This model typically reflects a prolonged and complex crisis, where multiple factors continue to emerge or various stakeholders repeatedly trigger the crisis. This requires the company or organization to have a long-term strategy and be ready to deal with multiple crisis waves while maintaining a high level of vigilance throughout an extended period.

b. Mechanism of Media Crisis Spread

From August 1, 2024, to January 31, 2024, Facebook, online news sites, and forums were the three platforms most used when users discussed Toyota and the incident.

In December 2023, brand A’s crisis erupted on social media, with online news outlets serving as the source of the crisis. Specifically, several major news outlets in Vietnam reported that the brand had announced a halt on all newly manufactured vehicles due to violations related to safety testing. The situation truly escalated when a group of consumers began paying attention, discussing, and spreading the news on large forums such as Otofun and Beatvn, creating a massive wave in a short period.

c. How Did Consumers React to the Crisis?

The significant increase in negative discussions impacted users' trust in the quality of the car models.

d. The Impact of the Crisis on Brand A from a Social Listening Perspective

  • Impact on Brand Image:The crisis caused the brand's sentiment index to drop significantly (-0.96) due to numerous complaints. Among them, the brand's attributes received the most negativity. Therefore, the key issue for the company is to improve its brand perception through upcoming communication efforts.
  • Loss of Customer Trust (Brand Trust): As consumers were exposed to multiple sources of information, and the authenticity of the issue became clearer, negative feedback about the brand increased, being linked to various aspects of the crisis.
  • Impact on Consumer Purchase Decisions:Discussions sharing distrust toward the brand and concerns over quality were particularly notable in users' negative feedback. This indirectly affected potential customers' decisions to purchase vehicles, even impacting the newly launched model from September 2023.

3. What Solutions Did the Car Brand Implement to Resolve the Media Crisis?

To resolve the crisis, it is essential to address the root cause – the true origin of the crisis. Since online news outlets were the primary medium for disseminating the crisis, Brand A immediately released PR articles to neutralize public sentiment.

Press outlets played a crucial role in conveying information to the community effectively, as official sources help build public trust and alleviate negative emotions. Besides major Vietnamese news platforms like and, specialized car market publications such as should also be prioritized for monitoring during incidents. The brand continuously updated accurate content about the situation, rectifying both accurate and inaccurate information to prevent the crisis from escalating beyond control. Transparency and a commitment to rectification will help rebuild customer trust in the brand.

4. What Additional Measures Should the Brand Take to Resolve the Crisis? 

According to Buzzmetrics' crisis management process, in the initial phase, besides running PR campaigns, the brand should also use seeding or launch an Advocacy Marketing campaign to guide public sentiment.

a. Launch an Advocacy Marketing Campaign

Alongside providing updates through paid media channels, the brand should use seeding to manage the narrative. Seeding positive content helps reshape public perception and counteract negative information. By strategically crafting a seeding scenario, the brand can steer conversations in a more favorable direction.

b. Amplify Social Media Communication Once Emotions Have Calmed:

Some time after the crisis subsides, the situation will quiet down. This is the moment for the brand to intensify its communication regarding its car models, focusing on the functional benefits of the vehicles:

  • In terms of format and platform: The automotive industry heavily relies on visuals, so the brand should leverage formats like images and test-drive review clips on major platforms in the car sector, such as Facebook and TikTok.
  • In terms of content: Focus on car reviews, showcasing the vehicle's image, particularly around design points related to "Performance" and "Pricing" – strategic must-win factors that primarily influence user behavior.
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Why Is the VinFast VF3 Deposit Campaign Causing a Social Media Frenzy?

In just three days, VinFast VF3 has received a total of 27,649 early pre-orders, each valued at 15 million VND, resulting in a remarkable total of 414.735 billion VND. This success is attributed to the strategic use of targeted communication channels, while other automotive companies scatter their efforts across multiple platforms with generic key messages. This article will delve into VinFast VF3's communication strategy, providing valuable lessons for Vietnamese businesses in an increasingly saturated automotive market. If your automotive brand is searching for a reliable social media data research partner to develop effective communication strategies, explore Buzzmetrics' Automotive Solutions Package today: Buzzmetrics Automotive.

I. The Viral Impact of VinFast VF3 at Its Social Media Launch

Measuring a brand's appeal goes beyond just sales figures and store coverage—it also involves capturing user attention on social media through engagement metrics. Upon its launch, the VinFast VF3 created a buzz online, registering a discussion volume of 218,500. This impressive figure placed it 4th in the Top 10 Most Discussed Topics on Social Media (from May 9, 2024, to May 15, 2024), trailing only major holidays and the summer season.

It’s rare for a vehicle to receive such a warm reception when the manufacturer hasn’t even started test drives and the car is still in the "pre-production" phase.

Read More: What Is the Buzzmetrics Social Index (BSI)?

Moreover, the VinFast VF3 deposit campaign has garnered significant attention, with 234,354 interactions. The balance between positive and negative discussions about the brand remains stable, focusing on topics such as special edition versions and sharing deposit confirmations.

II/ Discover How VinFast VF3 Captivates Audiences with Social Media Marketing

1, Leverage User Insights on Electric Vehicles

To create a successful social media marketing campaign, identifying the right must-win channel is crucial. However, it’s not just about pinpointing the main channel; brands must delve deeper into what content their target audience is discussing. This allows for the customization of key messages to effectively win over consumers' minds. In this article, Buzzmetrics provides updated statistics on media channels and the top concerns of users when choosing to purchase electric vehicles for Q2 and early Q3 2024 (April 1, 2024 - July 24, 2024).

Source of Discussion

When executing a communications campaign, choosing the most crowded platform remains a steadfast rule. Facebook continues to be the top platform for marketers, accounting for 60.2% of discussions in the electric vehicle sector. Additionally, TikTok presents significant potential, capturing 28.9% of the discussion share and offering ample room for growth.

Top Concerns About Electric Vehicles Discussed on Social Media

A deeper look into social media discussions reveals the top concerns of users when choosing an electric vehicle brand:

  • Price (30.4%): Price is the most crucial factor for most consumers when purchasing any product, especially high-value items like electric vehicles. Consumers want to determine if they can afford the vehicle and compare prices with other types of vehicles (gasoline or hybrid) to make an informed decision.
  • Design (29.1%): Vehicle design is important as it reflects the consumer's style and personalization preferences. An attractive, modern, and stylish design will appeal to more people.

Read More: Research Methods for Gaining Customer Insights Through Social Listening

Understanding Insights: VinFast's Strategy for Launching VF3

Recognizing the importance of Facebook and TikTok as primary discussion platforms in the automotive industry, VinFast has strategically utilized these channels to enhance its online brand presence. Activities such as Mega Livestream and V-creator were implemented to increase brand recognition. To overcome price barriers and boost sales, VinFast introduced a series of discount codes and allowed deposits as low as 15 million VND during the livestream sessions.

1. Mega Livestream Deposit Event

The success of the VF3 launch campaign is attributed to the innovative use of livestreaming combined with Key Opinion Leaders (KOLs). While this approach is common for low-involvement products, it remains relatively new for high-involvement, high-value items like cars in Vietnam, previously seen mainly in China. VinFast pioneered this trend in the Vietnamese automotive market by collaborating with Key Opinion Consumers (KOCs) such as PewPew and ViruSs to promote and secure deposits for the VF3 on platforms like Shopee, Facebook, and TikTok. This unique approach generated significant social media buzz, with 108,100 interactions and 19,878 mentions.

Read more: Unveiling Influencer Marketing Trends

2. V-creator Program

Understanding the power of social media and the content creator community, VinFast launched the V-creator program. Instead of relying on traditional advertising, VinFast leveraged the community's strength to produce authentic, relatable, and inspiring content such as reviews like "Test-driving the VF3 – A Car for a 5 Million VND Salary." This strategy not only expanded VinFast's brand reach but also fostered a positive image and attracted potential customers. Within just one week of launching, the program achieved impressive results with 197,476 interactions and 51,092 mentions.

3. Personalized Discount Codes for Partners

VinFast personalized discount codes for its partners, such as exclusive discounts for Otofun members, to achieve strategic benefits:

  • Targeting the right customer groups
  • Enhancing brand recognition

When Otofun members used these discount codes and shared their experiences (User-Generated Content), it created a ripple effect, amplifying brand awareness within the automotive community. Within a week of its launch (May 9, 2024 - May 15, 2024), the VinFast VF3 achieved substantial media coverage with 10,491 interactions and 3,529 mentions.

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Sports Drinks Industry — Very Potential, But Not Properly Recognized

It has only recently appeared on the market, but the sports drinks industry is receiving attention from consumers, especially on social media. Although the amount of discussion is low, sports drinks are a very potential segment in the beverage market.

It has only recently appeared on the market recently, but sports drinks are receiving significant attention from consumers, especially on social media. Although the number of discussions about sports drinks is still quite low compared to energy drinks, through what is discussed by users on social media, it can be said that sports drinks are a very potential segment in the beverage market.

Sports Drinks Are Being Viewed Positively on Social Media

Although sports drinks are still a new type of drink and not familiar to many people, consumers are generally taking a rather positive view of this drink on social media. According to the report Category research — Sports drink by BuzzMetrics: In the first quarter of 2014, here are the biggest concerns about sports drinks being discussed on social media:

Ngành hàng nước uống thể thao _concerns_1

It can be seen that consumers still have a lot of concerns about sports drinks, but in generl he discussion is focused on the effects and benefits of this type of product. Besides general discussions about quality, taste, composition, etc., consumers also mention “Electrolyte Compensation”, “Thirst Relief”, “Energy Compensation” (which is characteristic of this type of drink). Although the number of discussions is small, these are the topics of sports drinks that should be amplified by brands on social media.

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Advantages of sports drinks over energy drinks

Energy Drinks---- Appearing on the market for a long time, it is considered a good choice for instant energt recovery, but at the same time carries an unhealthy image that is already deeply imprinted in the minds of consumers, especially women.

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Sports Drinks---- While the energy drink market is gradually saturated with a variety of familiar brands such as Sting, Number 1, Redbull, etc., sports drinks are opening up a new market with products that replenish minerals and electrolytes for the body without harm to health. Sports drinks are less negatively evaluated than energy drinks, but the use is not yet well understood by users.

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It can be seen that the current negative discussions about sports drinks mainly stem from the fact that consumers still do not really understand this drink, most notably that many users claim sports drinks are the same as soft drinks and not good for health.

What do sports drink brands need to do?

At a time when the habit of using sports drinks is still quite alien to consumers, brands need to take further steps to provide consumers with more complete information about sports drinks

1. Sports drinks are not soft drinks: Currently, consumers are still quite blind about the concept of sports drinks, which has led to misunderstandings about this product, most notably the fact that many people assume that sports drinks are also soft drinks. Therefore, the first thing that brands need to do is to erase this association.

2. Strengthen the habit of using sports drinks during movement: Brands need to raise consumer awareness of the use of sports drinks as methods energy replenishment, minerals and electrolytesoptimal during movement.

3. Advantages of sports drinks over energy drinks:Emphasize the benefits sports drinks bring to users that energy drinks fail to do, especially the health benefits.

4. Strengthening presence in sports leagues:Aquarius's sponsorship of the FIFA World Cup 2014, an international sporting event, has made Aquarius a highly appreciated product in the eyes of users thanks to the image “Official Sports Drink of FIFA World Cup 2014”.

Articles using data in reporting Category research — Sports drink, Quarter 1 2014 by Buzzmetrics.

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