KOL Analysis

Analyze influencers

In many campaigns, choosing the right KOL is an important factor affecting the outcome of the campaign. However, choosing which KOL fits the brand goals, campaign messages & stories to convey to users has never been easy.

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Chọn đúng KOL, đúng thông điệp

Là giải pháp giúp thương hiệu xác định tệp người ảnh hưởng phù hợp với các nhóm mục tiêu truyền thông & nhóm người nghe mục tiêu.

KOL analysis sẽ đo lường, phân tích & đánh giá KOL dựa trên nguồn dữ liệu lớn từ social listening, giúp hỗ trợ thương hiệu nhận định chính xác tiềm năng của KOL đóng góp cho các các mục tiêu của chiến dịch & thương hiệu.


KOL Discovery

KOL Identification

Build a set of KOL identification indicators, including reputation, industry relevance, campaign contribution potential, compatibility with the target customer group... From there, make recommendations on suitable KOLs.


KOL campaign optimization

Optimize campaigns using KOL

Before, during, and after a campaign, we continuously monitor KOL performance based on built-in metrics to optimize engagement.


KOL landscape analysis

KOL Panoramic Analysis

In addition to identifying KOL according to the brand's industry and needs, the service also allows brands to have a more comprehensive view of the KOL market on social media, helping the brand stay ahead of their competitors in influencer marketing.

Case study

Check out trend analysis from Buzzmetrics' public insight repository

What is Social Listening and How Does It Play a Role in Social Media Marketing?

Social Listening is a form of market research based on social media discussions, helping to analyze brand health, campaigns, special events, and more...

Read the article

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Diverse Research Solutions

Consult the full suite of solutions from A-Z to find the best solution for your needs
Brand Insight
Brand health analysis

It is a solution that helps to monitor, measure and analyze the health of the brand, contributing to the construction of the brand image on social networks.

Campaign Insight
Campaign analysis

It is a solution that helps track, measure and analyze social media campaigns so that brands achieve the highest connection efficiency with users.

Crisis Management
Monitoring and handling media crises

As a solution for continuous collection, analysis and processing of negative information sources for brands to proactively control and manage risk

Analysis of special occasions

It is a solution to help brands understand & connect with target customers on special occasions (New Year, Women's Day, Mid-Autumn...) or product selection context.

Consumer Insight
Consumer analysis

Understand users on social media (digital insight) through in-depth analysis of their concerns and discussion behaviors (digital behavior).

Online Surveys

It is a solution that helps to collect customer opinions from online surveys, helps to proactively ask and delve into the issues that have been covered by Social Listening data.

Trend analysis

It is a solution that helps to detect, analyze & predict the movement of trends through continuous monitoring of related hot topics.

COPD Analysis
Analyze influencers

Is a solution that helps brands identify influencer files that are suitable for media target groups & target audience groups.

E-commerce Market Insight
Ecommerce Floor Analysis

It is a solution that helps to monitor, measure and analyze the situation of sales and competition on electromagnetic trading platforms, helping brands find the key to success on the retail floor battle.

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