Learn the differences in discussing the insurance industry on social media

Insurance is an industry where there are many differences between user groups from each other, as well as between users and brands. It is these differences that make it difficult for many brands to design an appropriate connecting message in media campaigns. To help brands be better prepared for future campaigns, Buzzmetrics' report on the life insurance industry will include:

  1. In 2022, the life insurance industry experienced only two media crises. However, is the insurance industry really a “windless” industry?
  2. How much discussion is the insurance industry generating and is the level of competition of brands really fierce?
  3. Among the three Gen X - Gen Y - Gen Z groups, which user group has the most positive attitude about the insurance industry that the brand can reach? Where is the group of users who demand caution from the brand?
  4. Are the messages from brands relevant to users?


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From Rookie to Top Performer: Decoding the 'Phenomenon' of Mitsubishi X-Force through the Lens of Social Listening

Launched in the Vietnamese market in January 2024, the Mitsubishi Xforce is considered the 'dark horse' of the Vietnamese automotive scene. In fact, just this past July 2024, the Xforce reached the top spot for the first time on the list of best-selling cars in Vietnam, with 1,748 units sold. Additionally, the Xforce generated significant discussion among users on Vietnamese social media, with 15,515 buzz mentions. What has made the Xforce attract such attention? Let’s explore through the lens of Buzzmetrics' Social Listening in the article below.

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Lessons from Automotive Industry Communication Crises

Media crises can happen to any brand at any time, especially in the age of booming social media. Therefore, building a specific response plan in case a media crisis occurs is a crucial factor in ensuring the brand's reputation in the market. In this article, Buzzmetrics will analyze a hypothetical crisis case study in the automotive industry. Through this, Buzzmetrics will offer suggestions for businesses to avoid mistakes when handling a crisis.

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Why Is the VinFast VF3 Deposit Campaign Causing a Social Media Frenzy?

In just three days, VinFast VF3 has received a total of 27,649 early pre-orders, each valued at 15 million VND, resulting in a remarkable total of 414.735 billion VND. This success is attributed to the strategic use of targeted communication channels, while other automotive companies scatter their efforts across multiple platforms with generic key messages. This article will delve into VinFast VF3's communication strategy, providing valuable lessons for Vietnamese businesses in an increasingly saturated automotive market. If your automotive brand is searching for a reliable social media data research partner to develop effective communication strategies, explore Buzzmetrics' Automotive Solutions Package today: Buzzmetrics Automotive.

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Sports Drinks Industry — Very Potential, But Not Properly Recognized

It has only recently appeared on the market, but the sports drinks industry is receiving attention from consumers, especially on social media. Although the amount of discussion is low, sports drinks are a very potential segment in the beverage market.

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