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Analyzing The Impact Of Awards Ceremonies Through Social Listening

For the first time, the BSI Top10 Events ranking for January 2024 recorded that 6 out of 10 most influential and prominent events on social media were award ceremonies. According to Buzzmetrics' observation, this is not a random phenomenon but reflects underlying factors that mirror the discourse on social media. In this article, Buzzmetrics will analyze the factors contributing to the success of award ceremonies in January 2024.

From 2018 to 2021, the BSI Top10 Events ranking for January typically recorded the presence of 1-2 award ceremonies. However, in 2022 and 2023, award ceremonies completely disappeared from the BSI Top10 Events rankings. By January 2024, the BSI Top10 Events ranking noted: For the first time, 6 out of the top 10 most influential events on social media were award ceremonies. Alongside familiar programs such as the WeChoice Awards, Green Wave Awards, and Golden Apricot Blossom Awards, there were three events making their debut appearances: Face Of The Year Awards 2023, the Star of the Year 2023 Awards Ceremony, and the 28th Asian Television Awards Gala.

Image 1: Top10 Events On Social Media In January 2024

According to Buzzmetrics data, Golden Apricot Blossom Awards appeared in the BSI Top10 ranking two years ago. As for the Green Wave Awards, it was absent from the rankings four years ago before returning to the list. WeChoice Awards had consistently made appearances and achieved high rankings in the BSI Top10 Events before pausing for two years due to the pandemic. In this comeback, all three events have generated significant buzz on social media: WeChoice Awards 2023 with nearly 300,000 discussions, the Green Wave with 100,000 discussions, and Golden Apricot Blossom with almost 15,000 discussions. The other three award ceremonies also generated over 10,000 discussions each. Notably, the Audience Score and Diversity Score of all six award ceremonies are quite high (above 0.8). These metrics indicate that the events are being genuinely engaged with by users and have good diversity in discussions (See detailed data in the BSI Top10 Events ranking for January 2024).

Image 2: Top10 Events On Social Media In January 2024

So what contributed to the success of these award ceremonies? According to Buzzmetrics' observations, this is not a random phenomenon but reflects underlying factors that mirror the discourse on social media. In this article, Buzzmetrics will analyze the factors contributing to the success of the award ceremonies in January 2024.

1. The presence of the Gen-Z factor

The WeChoice Awards 2023 and Green Wave Awards 2023 - two award ceremonies with the highest BSI score - have garnered notable recognition with Gen-Z faces. At Green Wave Awards, Phuong My Chi emerged as the Outstanding New Face, while Wren Evans was honored in both the Breakthrough Artist and Album of the Year categories. At the WeChoice Awards, MCK stood out by winning in multiple entertainment categories and making it into the Top 10 Inspirational Figures, alongside other Gen-Z  such as HIEUTHUHAI and the communication team of the Hoa Lo Prison relic site.  Additionally, the WeChoice Awards dedicated a whole group of categories to Gen-Z, such as Z-Slang - Phrase of the Year and Z-Face - Prominent Gen-Z Figure. These elements play a crucial role in attracting the attention of Gen-Z - a demographic that boasts a strong presence on social media.

Image 3: Top 10 concerns of gen Z on social media

Phuong My Chi, HIEUTHUHAI, Mono, and Double 2T - prominent Gen-Z figures at various award ceremonies - have also appeared in the BSI Top 10 Influencers ranking. Additionally, the participation of Tran Thanh and Den Vau has helped increase discussions around certain award ceremonies. A common characteristic of these two artists is their long-standing careers coupled with a strong presence on social media and a significant Gen-Z fanbase.

2. The strong connection between online activities and offline events

This year's award ceremonies have all been meticulously invested in various aspects of media, thereby creating influence on social media.

Media Channels: Most award ceremonies primarily utilize two main media channels: (1) websites - where important information and the spirit of the event are provided, and (2) Facebook fanpage - where news updates are posted, creating a bridge between users and the event.

Media timeline: The official award ceremonies typically take place from mid to late January. Media activities for the events usually begin 1-2 months prior and extend for a week after the conclusion of the award ceremonies.

Image 4: Discussion trendline about media activities for the awards ceremony

Frequency and Diversity of Information: At peak times, there are about 2-3 posts per day, covering various content perspectives: celebrity statements, program message analysis, award announcements, and memorable moments of the event. This strategy meets the informational needs of users and helps maintain the event's presence.

3. The interesting moments become the material for communication

Image 5: Some interesting moments of awards ceremonies

At every event, beyond the award-giving activities, there are viral moments that differentiate one event from another. Notable instances include:

  • At the  Golden Apricot Blossom Awards ceremony, when honored in the Community Artist category, Den Vau stated: "Thanks to the community, I now have a name." His statement quickly resonated with the online community and was quoted and analyzed by various media outlets. Additionally, the unexpected appearance of TikToker Pham Thoai on the red carpet also caught users' attention.
  •  At the Star of the Year 2023 Gala, the performance of "Chi nga em nang" by the beautiful celebrities from the "Chi dep dap gio re song" program delighted the online community. Prior to this, the "Chi dep dap gio re song" program had made waves on social media by rejuvenating the image of long-standing famous celebrities.
  • The 28th Asian Television Awards Gala marked the prestigious ceremonies first-ever hosting in Vietnam. The mere phrase "first-ever hosting in Vietnam" captured significant public interest. Another distinguishing factor of the event was the convergence of the most prominent Asian celebrities.
  • "Mashup" was the highlight keyword of the Green Wave Awards 2023. Both established and new faces collaborated to perform popular hit songs, creating surprise for the audience. Even after the event concluded, users continued to revisit and discuss the standout mashup performances of the program.
  • The WeChoice Awards 2023 brought forth a range of different emotions within the online community: from the jubilation of the community towards unsung heroes, to the regret over the "2 Days & 1 Night Vietnam" program, to the controversies surrounding MCK's speech.
  • The discussions surrounding the Face Of The Year 2023 stemmed from the red carpet activities, particularly the presence of many famous actors, notably the moments featuring director Duc Thinh and his wife Thanh Thuy. Moreover, the achievements of close colleagues Tran Thanh and Truong Giang at the awards ceremony also garnered significant attention from the audience.

4. The appropriate timing for the theme: Year-end Recap

As a year draws to a close, users tend to reflect on what has transpired throughout the year. In other words, "year-end recap" naturally becomes a focal point at the end of the year. This can be evidenced by Social Listening data: Buzzmetrics statistics show that the volume of discussions containing keyword groups related to year-end recap significantly increases from December.

Image 6: Discussion trendline about the year - end summary topic

In terms of Occasion-Based Marketing language, award ceremonies essentially serve as "recaps of a year in fields closely associated with the public," tapping into the most significant user concerns at a particular time.


In the context of social media development, the communication of award ceremonies has leveraged current affairs and social media platforms to open doors to connect with users, garnering their interest, anticipation, and excitement before, during, and after the event. In other words, merely tapping into the right interest isn't enough to create an impactful award ceremony on social media. It must be a harmonization of various factors, including the organizers' efforts in the digital transformation process.

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What is Social Listening and How Does It Play a Role in Social Media Marketing?

Social Listening is a form of market research based on social media discussions, helping to analyze brand health, campaigns, special events, and more...

Along with the development of social networks, Social Listening is also growing in application capabilities. If in the past, Social Listening was only about collecting social media data, today data collection is only a part of Social Listening. Measuring buzz volume or sentiment is no longer the only function of Social Listening. In the context of this article, let's look at old questions through a new lens: What is social listening and what role does it play in social media marketing?

1. What is Social Listening?

Social Listening is a form of market research that analyzes online user discussions across social media platforms. It involves the collection and analysis of conversations from various online platforms, including social media, forums, blogs, news sites, and review websites. Unlike traditional research methods, Social Listening works primarily with unstructured data, offering businesses real-time feedback from diverse users across different online platforms.

Typically, a Social Listening process follows these steps:

- Step 1: Build an analysis plan

Researchers begin by defining the context and research objectives, then set the key questions to be addressed.

- Step 2: Data collection

Using Social Listening tools, researchers gather data based on keywords from all social platforms, ensuring an accurate and comprehensive understanding of trends and industry data.

- Step 3: Data filtering and analysis

After collecting data, researchers filter out irrelevant or misleading information to ensure accuracy. Data is processed through AI systems and human verification to find potential insights.

- Step 4: Data visualization and reporting

Finally, the results are compiled into a complete report with visualized data for easier understanding and decision-making.

2. How Do Social Listening Tools Collect Data?

Social Listening data sources are not limited to major social media platforms like Facebook, Instagram, TikTok, or Threads. They also cover any medium that allows multi-way interaction, including forums, e-newspapers (comment sections), blogs, and e-commerce review sections.

(A) API Data Collection

This method connects Social Listening tools to the APIs (Application Programming Interfaces) of social networks to retrieve posts containing specific keywords.

- Advantages: Allows access to all data from the network, including personal pages.

- Disadvantages: API reliability may fluctuate, leading to incomplete or inconsistent data over time.

(B) Site Data Collection

This method involves accessing listed sites to collect data without disrupting the websites, either by manual or automatic data gathering processes.

- Advantages: Ensures 100% of data on the site is collected.

- Disadvantages: Certain issues, like site changes or blocking, may cause temporary data shortages.

3. Key Metrics in Social Listening

When conducting research via Social Listening, marketers should focus on key metrics to gain a comprehensive view of the research landscape and measure the effectiveness of their Social Media Marketing strategies:

- Buzz Volume: The number of discussions (posts, comments, or shares) about a specific topic.

- Share of Voice (SOV): Compares the discussion volume of a brand against competitors.

- Audience Scale: The number of individuals participating in discussions about a topic.

- Sentiment Score: Indicates users' emotions toward a topic, calculated by comparing positive and negative discussions.

4. The Role of Social Listening in Social Media Marketing

Initially, Social Listening was seen by many marketers as a purely measurement tool, providing basic metrics about campaigns or brands in comparison with competitors (such as discussion volume, participant count, sentiment scores, etc.). However, over time, social media has expanded significantly in scale. Users have become more familiar with Digital Transformation, sharing more than ever, and social media trends are emerging increasingly. As a result, the scope of social media data has broadened, offering a wealth of potential information to support Social Media Marketing strategies. Consequently, Social Listening has also evolved to gather data across various platforms and meet diverse research needs from marketers.

For each research focus, marketers can apply Social Listening to a range of different areas. Typically, marketers can use Social Listening for three main research directions: (1) Insight Understanding, (2) Campaign Tracking, (3) Crisis Management.

4.1 Insight Understanding

This research can provide a comprehensive overview of a specific industry, including e-commerce performance, brand image identification, and opportunities for differentiation. It also outlines the target audience's profile, capturing public attitudes and usage toward products/brands/industries.

a. Industry Competitive Landscape:

For instance, the chart below shows the most-discussed functional food brands over a certain period. From this, brands can identify their competitors, understand their position in the competitive landscape, and aim for top-of-mind awareness among consumers. Moreover, by quoting user discussions, researchers can pinpoint issues regarding public perception of both the brand and its competitors. This allows the brand to compare, recognize problems, and take corrective action if needed.

→ Read more: Exploring Insights in the Functional Food Industry: Challenges and Opportunities in the Digital Era

b. Brand Image and Differentiation:

An example of Buzzmetrics research on leading diaper brands paints a detailed picture of brand differentiation. Compared to other brands, Molfix’s product performs exceptionally well in absorbency. However, aspects like softness and thinness received negative feedback. Molfix’s branding team can also monitor current customer perceptions of competitors and identify areas for improvement.

c. Usage and Attitude Research (UnA):

UnA research focuses on consumer discussions and plays a key role in unveiling the consumer landscape of an industry. It addresses key questions like:

- Users' interest levels in the product/brand on social media

- Awareness, usage, and consumer behavior displayed on social platforms

- Motivations and barriers to product/brand consumption

- General satisfaction/dissatisfaction with current products/services

- Users’ needs, unmet demands, or general expectations

d. Target Audience Segmentation:

In some cases, brands aim to understand consumers not just from a product buyer perspective but from a broader context that includes their lifestyle and habits. Social Listening can support brands in achieving this.

For instance, analyzing the most-discussed topics within Gen Alpha revealed that "love" was the top theme, surpassing even "education" and "games." This insight shows that to engage Gen Alpha, brands should consider using "love" as a central theme to attract attention and foster interaction.

Read more: Gen Alpha: What Sets the Next Generation of Consumers Apart?

Notably, social media is segmented by interests. Therefore, identifying user groups and their main concerns is crucial in segmenting the social media audience. Pinpointing key interests and insights will help brands align their marketing tactics with user interests. As a result, branded content and messaging are more likely to appear in users' feeds, capturing attention, generating engagement, fostering recall and affinity, or even leading to user-generated content (UGC) related to the brand.

4.2. Campaign Strategy and Monitoring

Social Listening supports marketers in planning, creating content, and adjusting strategies in real time throughout all phases of a campaign. It helps track brand sentiment and ensures campaigns align with audience expectations.

4.3. Crisis Management

Today, even a small complaint on Facebook can cause significant damage to a brand. As consumers become increasingly familiar with social media, the likelihood of crises occurring rises. Our Social Listening data shows that while the number of crises has decreased as brands take a more proactive role in crisis management, the average scale of a crisis has grown significantly.

Crises may seem to occur randomly and can impact any brand for seemingly arbitrary reasons. This makes social media crises difficult to track and challenging for brands to respond to. However, through Social Listening, not only can crises be monitored, but their patterns can also be identified, allowing brands to develop strategic response plans.

By analyzing user discussions on social media and providing actionable insights to brands, Social Listening plays a critical role in shaping communication strategies. The most common applications of Social Listening include gathering insights, tracking campaign performance, and managing crises.

To learn more about metrics, marketers can refer to here

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Occasion-based marketing - Discover the golden moments for brands to take advantage of

Occasion-based marketing is a strategy to help brands connect customers to special occasions or product selection contexts.

What is occasion-based marketing?

Occasion-based marketing is a strategy to help brands connect customers on special occasions. By showing up at the right time, touching the specific needs of the customer at the time, the level of engagement and purchasing intention will increase. Occasion-based marketing helps customers answer  when they should buy products of a brand, giving customers reasons and occasions to remember the brand.

How does occasion-based marketing help your brand?

- Connect with target customers:

Just by correctly identifying the concerns during a special occasion, the brand will able to reach customers. This is something not easy to identify on “normal occasions”

Event-Based Marketing is a solution that helps marketers target a group of concerns that have a strong impact on a large number of customers but only appear in a short period of time

- Increase revenue:

There are many shopping decisions that are made at special occasions. If the brand is able to connect with customers on these occasions, the chances of being remembered and chosen by customers will be higher. Occasion-based marketing also helps increase consumption by encouraging users to use the product at more times.

It is advised to consider the case of 7Up Revive Isotonic Drinking Water. Since 2014, 7Up Revive is the brand of energy-intensive sports activities. Since 2016, 7Up Revive has been associated with everyday activities such as walking, playing or working in sunny weather. Thus, Revive has expanded the theme of products from “exercise/sports” to “dehydrated activities” to increase product consumption.

Occasion-based marketing _1

- Brand positioning by moment:

In a more strategic perspective, occasion-based marketing is used to emphasize the differences between brands.,especially in the catering industry (F&B) - where dining activities are heavily dominated by the times.

Kitkat is one of the best examples of using occasion-based marketing to strengthen brand positioning.

Occasion-based marketing _2

In Vietnam, occasion-based marketing is most popular on major holidays such as: New Year, Summer holidays. However, there are still many other special occasions and moments that the brand can take advantage of to attract more customers.

ll. There are 4 types of special occasions that brands can consider for occasion-based marketing.

For the convenience of determining the tactics of choosing a special occasion, Buzzmetrics divides all types of special occasions into 4 categories based on differences in characteristics, frequency of occurrence, and time of occurrence:

1. Special Day

Especially suitable for brands that want to take over the platform by creating a big bang throughout the year, to help customers remember them every day.

2. A special moment

Usually suitable for brands that want to appears frequently, every day, tightly tied to the life of the consumer.

Occasion-based marketing _3

There are so many moments in life when a consumer becomes especially “sensitive”, letting unexpected concerns and needs appear. With the advent of social networks, consumers tend to share more oftenabout each moment in their lives in search of empathy. Especially at sensitive times, consumers are more motivated to share these things on social media as well as seek out people with similar situation, to talk about common concerns. This makes it possible for the social network to record such special emotional moments of a consumer. There are more and more “Special Moments” that social media marketers can exploit to help brands find new opportunities. For example:

  • For girls: the moment of feeling “Not enough clothes to wear”, the moment of loneliness, the moment of wanting to take care of yourself...
  • For people who work: the time of waiting for wages, late wages, pressure, deadlines... or simply the time of drowsiness, lethargy, fatigue, loss of motivation.

These “Special Moments” are predicted to be the future of Occasion based marketing because of the high frequency of repetition (usually daily/weekly/monthly). The brand only needs to capture a “Special Moment” to become a part of a customer's daily life.

3. Special seasons

Special seasons are similar to special days. They are for brands that want to put resources into a specific period of a year, using different tactics to convey brand message. Special seasons last longer than special days, which is suitable for brands telling a longer story. They are recommended for brands that want to change a longtime habit or behaviour of consumers, which is not easy to adjust in a short time (1 day/1 week).


4. Special Events, Hot Events

Hot events are often predictable and therefore difficult to plan in advance. However, a hot event really needs to be taken advantage of when the target customer is the most affected in that event. This is a golden opportunity for the brand to get closer to its target consumer, sharing the same atmosphere and concerns.

Occasion-based marketing _4
Occasion-based marketing _5

Hot events are a must since a brand can gain high attention in a short period of time. However, if the brand image is in contrast or irrelevant to the theme of the hot event, trying to make use of that event will bring no benefit.  In fact, brands can experience negative feedback when they try to become “an attention freak” in the eyes of consumers. More dangerously, brand image and personality will likely suffer greatly, and leave a bad impression on consumers.

What Brands Should Consider When Using Occasion-Based Marketing

- Relevance: There are many special moments but depending on each brand, only some moments are worth using.

- “Deep” or “wide”: If your brand is overly focused on a special moment, you can miss other moments. You can try to "conquer" one special moment, but please be aware of the others.

- Understand the target customer: Look closely at every moment in the life of your target customer. There are very ordinary moments In everyday life that can provide opportunities for brands to engage with customers.

- Target customers are always changing: Always listening to consumers to discover a new special moment and connect with consumers through that moment.

Learn about Buzzmetrics' Syndicated Report Hub online reporting library here.

The Syndicated Report Hub online reporting library aggregates research proactively conducted by Buzzmetrics based on observations of common market needs. These studies do not serve a specific customer but will provide a panoramic view of users and the goods industry on the social network.
Đọc bài viết
What is Syndicated Research?

Market research, an integral part of any marketing campaign, is divided into two main types: Syndicated Research and Custom Research. Syndicated Research is especially important for new brands entering the merchandise industry. What is Syndicated Research?

Market research is a process of gathering information to gain a deeper understanding of users as well as the relationship between users and brands. Therefore, market research is an integral part of any marketing campaign. Basically, market research is divided into two main types: Syndicated Research and Custom Research. Each type has its own advantages, which will solve different problems of the brand. In the framework of this article, three questions will be answered: (1) What is Syndicated Research? (2) What is Customized Research? (3) Syndicated Research or Customized Research for the Brand Problem?

1. What is Syndicated Research?

Syndicated research is a type of research conducted independently, whose findings can meet the needs of many brands. The subject of Syndicated Research is usually Major Topics, which is inclusive of an industry or a community of users. Syndicated Research does not follow the requirements of a specific customer, so the research results can be suitable for the entire market. Syndicated research will be more cost-effective compared to Customized Research, which only serves the needs of one customer. The results of Syndicated Research are often presented in the form of reports, which can be served as a valuable reference source to any brand, especially those looking to enter new markets. In addition, for brands that have not studied the industry in a long time, Syndicated Research is also a way to quickly update knowledge.

For example:The overview study of the washing machine market shows: More discounts do not mean higher purchase intention. A discount of 50% or more will cause users to begin to doubt the quality of the product. Instead, a discount that does not exceed 15% will promote the best purchase intention. Any brand belonging to the washing machine industry can take advantage of the results of this research for its promotional campaign, as this is the general trend of the market.

See also: Online distribution activities - What can social networks help?

2. What is Customized Research?

Unlike Syndicated Research, Customized Research is the type of research that is done at the request of a specific customer. Research Topics and Questions are designed based on the brand's own concerns.The results of the research are in the ownership of the client. In the case of Syndicated Research, the results of the research will be owned by the entity conducting the research. Due to its focus on addressing the needs of a given brand, Customized Research has deeper analysis, and higher applicability, but the scope of application is also narrower than Syndicated Research.

For example: One brand of washing machines is aimed at older, married women. The brand's message is to save water. After a while, the brand noticed that the above message was not responded to by the user group. At this time, a study can be conducted to find out the cause and make recommendations for the brand. The results show: With the older group of women with families, they are often interested in the anti-wrinkle feature of the washing machine to save time on housework. This result should help improve the problem of this brand, but cannot be applied to other brands, due to the difference in the target user group.

See also: Washing Machine Goods Industry - Interesting Psychological Contradictions of Users

3. Syndicated Research or Customized Research for the Brand Problem?

Syndicated Research and Customized Research both have their own strengths. With the ability to provide a comprehensive view of the market, Syndicated Research contributes to building the foundation of a campaign. Next, Customized Research can be conducted to provide an in-depth perspective based on the brand's situation, thereby making appropriate adjustments to the marketing plan. However, there are certain differences between Customized Research and Syndicated Research that make it difficult to replace each other. Brands will not be able to achieve the desired results if they use Syndicated Research to address narrow or specific topics. Conversely, brands waste resources if they use Customized Research for overviews that can be solved with Syndicated Research.

Learn about Buzzmetrics' Syndicated Report Hub online reporting library here.

The Syndicated Report Hub online reporting library aggregates research proactively conducted by Buzzmetrics based on observations of common market needs. These studies do not serve a specific customer but will provide a panoramic view of users and the goods industry on the social network.
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A brief introduction to Campaign Tracking metrics

Social Listening is a type of research done by “listening” to discussions on social media. Identifying the right campaign tracking metrics right from the pre-campaign stage is important, as it will help the brand have a clear direction for creative ideas. Moreover, during the implementation of the campaign, the constant monitoring of these indicators helps to adjust, optimize and allocate resources accordingly.

Social Listening is a type of research done by ”listening to discussions on social media. Properly identifying Campaign Tracking metrics right from the pre-campaign stage is important, as it will help brands have a clear direction for creative ideas. What's more, in the course of a campaign, constant monitoring of these metrics helps to adjust, optimize, and allocate resources appropriately. Does the brand have a grasp of the necessary Campaign Tracking metrics & how to combine them for the most accurate assessment? The article below will help to summarize the basic indicators that are commonly used in the social listening reports by BuzzMetrics.

1. Basic indicators to evaluate the creative effectiveness of the social media campaign

There are many indicators to assess the creative effectiveness of the campaign. However, Campaign Tracking metrics can be classified into two large groups: (1) Awareness and (2) Discussion Quality, which correspond to two major questions:

  • Are users aware of the campaign?
  • How do users react to the campaign?


Buzz Volume

Buzz Volume is an indicator of how noisy a topic is. This is the most basic unit of measurement in Social Listening. Every post, comment, or share related to a brand's campaign counts as Buzz. This indicator will help the brand answer the question: How many discussions about the campaign on social media?

For example:Campaign A generated 100 posts, 1,000 shares, and 2,000 comments. So, campaign A collected 3,100 buzz.

Chỉ số Buzz Volume trong báo cáo campaign tracking

Share of Voice

Share of Voice is an indicator that compares the amount of discussion a brand generates compared to its competitors during a campaign run.

Competitors here are campaigns that compete for influence on social networks. With social media, it can be campaigns by other brands in the industry, other campaigns of the same type, or other campaigns running at the same time

This indicator indicates whether the campaign is attracting more attention than the competitors. And this rate depends on the competitor & the number of competitors the brand compares with. SOV is a relative indicator, which depends a lot on who the brand's perspective is looking to compare directly with.

For example:In May 2020, there were 2,000 buzz talking about the B brand. Meanwhile, 8,000 buzz is about other brands in the same industry. So, the Share of Voice of Brand B will be 2000/ (2000+8000) = 20%.

Audience Scale

Audience Scale is an indicator of the number of participants in a public discussion about a research topic (event/campaign/brand). A user can generate a lot of buzz (by sharing a post multiple times). And 1,000 buzz generated by 1,000 people will mean a lot different than 1,000 buzz generated by 100 people. So, this indicator shows the degree of spread of the campaign (virality).

For example: Between November 1, 2019 and January 15, 2020, the New Year campaign “Generali - Song Nhu Y” garnered 31,603 buzz and was discussed by 17,606 people. On average, one person generates 1.8 campaign discussions.


Sentiment Score

Sentiment Score is an indicator of how users feel about a brand's campaign. This indicator is calculated by the formula: (Positive Discussion - Negative Discussion)/(Positive Discussion+Negative Discussion), whose value is in the range of [-1,1]. Getting closer to 1 means that positive discussion is absolutely overwhelming the amount of negative discussion. Conversely, a low  value can be an early sign of a crisis. A Buzzmetrics study shows that 1 negative discussion can be nullified by 4 positive discussions. Therefore, this indicator is recommended to be between 0.58-1.

Chỉ số sentiment score trong báo cáo campaign tracking

Brand Mention (Discussions with mention of brand name)

Brand Mention is the amount of discussion that directly refers to the brand name. The metrics indicates a user's interest and remembrance of the brand. Any user comment, whether positive or negative, that mentions the name of the brand is counted as a brand mention. Brand names include official names, Vietnamized names and other variations.

Message Recall (Discussions that refer to the campaign message)

Message Recall is the amount of discussion directly referring to the message of a campaign.

Every social media campaign comes from an idea and is encapsulated in a certain key message. Any user comment that mentions that information counts as a Message Recall.

The indicator helps brands answer the question: Do users recognize the message the brand wants to send?

For example:In Biti's “Go Back” campaign, user discussions containing the keywords “reunion,” “meeting,” “home” count as Message Recall.

Relevant Buzz Volume

Relevant Buzz volume is an indicator of brand-related discussions, which includes Brand Mention and Message Recall.

For example: Still in Biti's “Go Back” campaign, although users do not mention “reunions”, they ask where to buy shoes or how much they cost. These questions count towards the Relevant Buzz Volume.

Attribute Mention

Attribute Mention is the amount of discussion that mentions product or service attributes. This indicator reflects whether the campaign interested users in product attributes.

One of the campaign goals may be to build a brand image. To achieve this goal, brands must build content and lead discussions around brand image attributes.

The indicator helps brands answer the question: Do users recognize or care about the strengths of the product?

Paid, Owned, Earn media

Paid media are channels that are paid to run content. Owned media are channels owned by the brand. Meanwhile, Earned media is an organic channel, when the customer himself becomes the speaker for brand. Earned Media can be viewed as a result of Paid media and Owned media. Each user comment or share is counted towards Earned Media.

Determining the ratio of the three types of media will help brands and agencies to know that with numerical How much discussion can be generated by paid media, the equivalent of knowing how much each discussion will cost the brand. Thus, the brand will evaluate the effectiveness of the communication channels.

For example: There are two media campaigns that together generate 100k buzz. However, campaign A had 67% of discussions generated from earned media, while campaign B had only 32% of discussions generated from earned media. This shows that campaign A uses fewer resources but still has the same impact as campaign B (in terms of discussion volume). In terms of the quality of the discussion, the A campaign is better because of the high level of user discussion.

POE media trong báo cáo campaign tracking

2. Common Mistakes When Reading Social Listening Reports

As much as possible: “I need to satisfy as many indicators as possible”

These aforementioned indicators had the role of measuring & evaluating the performance of brands/campaigns after a period on social networks. This means that after running the campaign, they measure all Campaign Tracking metrics & assume that “The better these metrics, the better the brand activity implies”.

However, each indicator has its own meaning, responding to a separate marketing goal. And the brand's job is to answer the question “What does my social media marketing campaign need to work for?“. Then, find the right set of KPIs & use it to orient the active sequences

Therefore, instead of trying to do well with every possible indicator, the brand should focus on those that are really important, which are related to the goals of the campaign. This helps to better focus & distribute resources

Further reference:

Social success factor - Determine the indicators that determine the success of a brand/campaign on social networks

The Higher the Better: “The Higher the Buzz Volume, the Higher the Sentiment, the Better”

“How much is enough” is the second question that needs to be answered. The KPI must be in line with the discussion situation of the industry & the level of user interest. Too high or too low doesn't help brands properly evaluate their social media efforts.

For this, brands should refer to Buzzmetrics benchmarks.

So, how do I choose the right metrics and identify benchmarks for my campaign?

The choice of campaign tracking indicator depends on many factors, including: the goal and type of campaign, the characteristics of the product industry, the nature of the message. The form of research itself will also affect Campaign Tracking. For example, a new product promotion campaign will pay attention to the indicators that indicate the user's intention to buy, while a community campaign will be interested in the user's support actions (share posts, draw endorsements, etc.)

Often, the questions that are asked to help determine the indicator are:

  1. What kind of campaign will the brand carry out?
  2. The goals of the campaign?
  3. So what indicators are directly related to that goal?

In addition to the indicators of the campaign tracking report, the brand can also refer to the indicators from Ecommerce Auditing reports to look at how effective a campaign reflects on a brand's sales performance on e-commerce sites. Further reference: Video on how to evaluate and measure the creative effectiveness of a social media campaign or Contact Buzzmetrics.

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Social Slang — The Trendy Language for Social Media Marketing

Social Slang is a way for brands to reach out to Gen Z customers (born between the mid-1990s and early 2000s). Let's learn about Social Slang with Buzzmetrics.

1. Social Slang - Why can't we ignore it?

In social media marketing, Language is an important weapon in the fight to attract the attention of the target customer. More than anyone else, marketers understand that in order to attract their target customers, they must say things related to them.

This is especially true for Generation Z (born from the mid-1990s to the early 2000s), the potential target audience that many brands are trying to connect. They grew up in an era of technological boom and this has certain implications on behavior, style, belief systems, life views. They are well versed in technology and social networks, so more demanding, more selective. Content that appeals to them must be connected to their needs and desires. The way to connect with this particular segment of consumers is Using their language to create content.. One of the ways to learn Gen-Z language is through popular social slang among their communities

In recent years, social media has contributed to the spread of many trending terms such as Crush, "Tha Thinh", "Soai Ca", "bodyshaming", "Nao Ca Vang"... and has really made a big impact in the youth community of Generation Z. These terms were formed, popularized thanks to social media and have been increasingly used by young people to describe a common situation in modern life or at their age.

Social media trends from solving a psychological need.. So focial slang terms,

2. Social Slang - What's interesting to find when digging into social listening data?

The majority of social slangs used by young people (1) reflect a truth about new user trends, new concern, (2) develop a new perspective on old problems in a more fashionable way or (3) the pressure to become a part of a specific group.

Regarding their popular channels, social slangs were almost widely used and spread from the Entertainment fanpage of small communities or microcommunites. The social slangs help young people develop a sense of belonging and feel like being connected to a group based on common interest.


To better understand how young people define or discuss their social slang, this article will delve into one of the most prominent terms of recent times: Crush.

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Crush,according to the discussion of netizens on, can be summarized as: “The ones that we like, but we are not sure if we can call that "love". It seems like the feelings come from one side only." As can be seen from the definitions most mentioned by netizens, "Crush" causes huge discussions by correctly hitting a common emotional aspect of young people. They don't use words “one-sided loveor "slient love" to express this feeling because it seems that those familiar words are no longer relevant to young people today. When using the word Crush, or participating in discussions about “Crush” young people will have a feeling of togetherness with peers.

The emergence of social slangs also shows the needs of young people to find new expressions that better reflect their situation in this new age. Looking further, the popularity of  also comes from pressure to belong to a group (herd psychology). The value of fast-paced updates doesn't make sense for adults but it does make sense for young people because they were born and raised in an age of information saturation and dizzying change of information.


About the origin: Posts about Crush have appeared on Vietnamese social media sites since 2014, but have really emerged and become known since late 2016, thanks to the confession movement and love advice from entertainment fanpages such as The Society of Fairy Tale Enthusiastsc, Crush +, Ngon Tinh Everywhere, Tuoi Thanh Xuan, Tuyet Bitch Collection, Quotes Chat...

About discussion topics: Based on an interesting psychological truth: “Everyone has ever had or is having a crush on someone.” Hot fanpages always actively create a lot of discussion topics that revolve around this truth. Based on social listening data from BuzzMetrics, top posts are the posts that can satisfy the two most needs from young people:

- Find useful tips for their problem: Young people need suggestions on how to confess, suggestions on how to start a conversation with your crush, signs to identify if your crush likes you too...

- Share emotions/seek empathy: Young people are interested in questions as What it feels like to "crush" a person, Reasons to Love, What to Say To Your Crush, Tell About Memories, Being Rejected...


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Have brands applied social slang to their social media marketing? If so, how did they do it? How effective is it? And are there any “must and must-not” that marketers should beware of when using these trendy terms? Watch Part 2 of the series on Social Media Glossary - Social Slang.

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