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Insight Tet 2024: A Stepping Stone for the Tet 2025 Campaign

Tet 2024 saw a notable decline in interest in traditional themes, challenging marketers to ask: "How can we create a standout Tet 2025 campaign?" Discover insights from Buzzmetrics and DSquare to build a strategic and impactful Tet 2025 campaign. Stay ahead by adapting to changing consumer interests and making a memorable impression.

Statistics from Buzzmetrics reflect a challenging outlook for the upcoming Tet season. Discussions about Tet 2024 have dropped by 47%, consumer concerns have shifted, and competition among brands has intensified. How can brands "survive" and execute meaningful Tet campaigns amidst these challenges? Join Buzzmetrics and DSquare as we reveal tips for marketers to succeed in Tet 2025. This article summarizes insights from BuzzSpeak Tet 2025: Insights to Overcome Challenges of the New Tet by Buzzmetrics in collaboration with DSquare.

1. Changes in Tet 2024 – What Brands Need to Know

 1.1. The “Golden Time” is Gone – How to Choose the Right Time for Tet Campaigns?

Hình 1. Mô hình diễn biến thảo luận của các dịp Tết (2022-2024)

In previous years, the 8 days leading up to Tet were considered the “golden time” for marketing campaigns, as consumer discussions peaked during this period. However, the discussion patterns in 2024 show a more spread-out timeline, with no clear peak near Tet. This shift indicates that brands should start their campaigns earlier to capture consumer attention ahead of time.

1.2. Shifts in Top Discussion Topics – Do Consumers Prefer Simplicity or Tradition?

Hình 2. Top 10 chủ đề được thảo luận trong dịp Tết 2024

For the first time, “reunion” has dropped out of the top 5 most-discussed Tet topics, signaling a significant decline in discussions about family gatherings. Consumers are less eager to return home during Tet, with some even questioning, “Will I go home for Tet?” Traditional topics such as cleaning, reunions, and lucky money are no longer top of mind for marketers, as the discussions surrounding these themes have also decreased.

In contrast, emotional topics like waiting for Tet, feeling tired of Tet, and hopes for Tet have seen notable growth. Consumers seem to prefer simplifying Tet, focusing more on relaxation and enjoyment rather than maintaining traditional activities. This shift is driven by two factors:

1. Financial constraints, making it harder to prepare for an extravagant Tet celebration.

2. Traditional Tet activities, while meaningful, may add unnecessary pressure and fatigue amid society's broader challenges.

This change in Tet discussions highlights a shift in consumer mindset and needs. Brands should carefully adjust their marketing strategies, moving away from traditional values and instead tapping into current consumer emotions, such as the desire for simplicity and ease. This approach not only aligns with the current economic and social context but also creates deeper connections with consumers during this important holiday.

Read the report “Social Media Trends for Tet 2024: Is This Year’s Tet the Same as Before? to explore insights into shifting consumer behavior and social media usage during the Tet holiday. This comprehensive report offers valuable information on how consumer discussions and engagement on social media have evolved, helping brands understand key trends and adapt their marketing strategies for the Tet season.

1.3. A Framework for Marketers to Navigate a Complex Tet

Hình 3. Sự thay đổi số lượng chiến dịch và thảo luận của Tết 2023 và Tết 2024

In 2024, overall discussions about Tet saw a significant decline compared to 2023. Additionally, the number of campaigns and discussions generated from these campaigns also dropped slightly, driven by brands cutting back on their Tet investments and consumers showing less interest in the holiday. However, the average discussion volume for the top Tet campaigns on Buzzmetrics’ BSI rankings increased by 26.8% (compared to Tet 2023).

This suggests a clear divide between “top campaigns” and others. The top campaigns mostly focus on different aspects of enjoying Tet, delivering messages around family care, self-care, recognizing past efforts, and expressing hopes for the new year.

Amid these changes and challenges, how should brands approach Tet 2025? Should companies continue investing in Tet marketing campaigns?

2. It Worth the Investment for Grand Tet Campaigns?

Hình 4. Ba câu hỏi giúp thương hiệu xác định có nên làm chiến dịch Tết

Given the difficulties surrounding Tet, should brands still invest in marketing campaigns? Lâm Trần, Strategy & Growth Director at DSquare, suggests that “market share improves in areas where advertisers continue to invest despite economic challenges.” Maintaining advertising budgets should not be influenced by economic downturns. According to the IPA (Institute of Practitioners in Advertising), having a higher share of voice (SOV) than current market share (SOM) – known as a positive ESOV (Excess Share of Voice) – is crucial for future brand growth.

Additionally, brands can evaluate the necessity of Tet campaigns based on three factors:

1. Is Tet a prime sales opportunity for your business? For many sectors, especially F&B, Tet is a high-sales season that can significantly boost revenue.

Can Tet help build new consumer habits? Tet often marks a time of renewal for consumers. Can your brand leverage this to instill a new habit?

Can Tet reinforce cultural connections? As a major cultural event in Vietnam, Tet provides a chance for brands to become more familiar to consumers and leave a lasting impression.

If the above factors resonate with your brand, the next challenge is determining how to create a Tet strategy that resonates with consumers and delivers value to your brand.

3. A Framework for Marketers to Navigate a Complex Tet

*Mô hình được đề xuất bởi anh Lâm Trần - Strategy & Growth Director của DSquare

In the evolving landscape of Tet, where consumer behavior and market trends shift, brands face the challenge of creating campaigns that are both simple and meaningful. To help, Lâm Trần suggests the NSFW framework, a guideline for building effective Tet campaigns:

- Nostalgia: Tap into the timeless feeling of Tet by reviving familiar elements, such as classic Tet music and traditions, that evoke warm memories.

- Security: Provide consumers with a sense of security. In uncertain times, people are more cautious about spending. Brands that offer reassurance and concrete actions to ensure future stability will resonate better.

- Funny: Humor never goes out of style. Despite concerns about Tet fatigue, campaigns that spread positivity and humor can leave a lasting impression.

- Worth: Promotions are a given during challenging times, but ensure they don’t diminish your brand's perceived value. Smart discounting can boost sales while maintaining brand equity.

For more insight into successful Tet campaigns, explore the report “Update on Social Media Campaign Competitions for Tet 2024.


  1. In 2024, consumer discussions about Tet decreased, and the peak discussion period spread out over a longer time. Brands should consider launching Tet campaigns earlier to capture attention.
  2. Traditional themes, like reunions, have lost prominence, while emotional topics like “waiting for Tet” have gained traction, signaling a shift toward a simpler, more relaxed holiday.
  3. Maintaining marketing investments, even during tough economic times, is crucial for future brand growth. Although consumers are leaning towards a simpler Tet, campaigns should still highlight traditional values, positivity, and brand integrity, as outlined in the NSFW framework.

Buzzmetrics offers the Tet Recall Solution - Data Driven Success, enabling brands to evaluate the effectiveness of their campaigns using highly accurate data. This solution provides valuable insights into the significance and application of key performance metrics, as detailed in "Metrics and the Art of Optimizing Tet Campaigns."

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What is Syndicated Research?

Market research, an integral part of any marketing campaign, is divided into two main types: Syndicated Research and Custom Research. Syndicated Research is especially important for new brands entering the merchandise industry. What is Syndicated Research?

Market research is a process of gathering information to gain a deeper understanding of users as well as the relationship between users and brands. Therefore, market research is an integral part of any marketing campaign. Basically, market research is divided into two main types: Syndicated Research and Custom Research. Each type has its own advantages, which will solve different problems of the brand. In the framework of this article, three questions will be answered: (1) What is Syndicated Research? (2) What is Customized Research? (3) Syndicated Research or Customized Research for the Brand Problem?

1. What is Syndicated Research?

Syndicated research is a type of research conducted independently, whose findings can meet the needs of many brands. The subject of Syndicated Research is usually Major Topics, which is inclusive of an industry or a community of users. Syndicated Research does not follow the requirements of a specific customer, so the research results can be suitable for the entire market. Syndicated research will be more cost-effective compared to Customized Research, which only serves the needs of one customer. The results of Syndicated Research are often presented in the form of reports, which can be served as a valuable reference source to any brand, especially those looking to enter new markets. In addition, for brands that have not studied the industry in a long time, Syndicated Research is also a way to quickly update knowledge.

For example:The overview study of the washing machine market shows: More discounts do not mean higher purchase intention. A discount of 50% or more will cause users to begin to doubt the quality of the product. Instead, a discount that does not exceed 15% will promote the best purchase intention. Any brand belonging to the washing machine industry can take advantage of the results of this research for its promotional campaign, as this is the general trend of the market.

See also: Online distribution activities - What can social networks help?

2. What is Customized Research?

Unlike Syndicated Research, Customized Research is the type of research that is done at the request of a specific customer. Research Topics and Questions are designed based on the brand's own concerns.The results of the research are in the ownership of the client. In the case of Syndicated Research, the results of the research will be owned by the entity conducting the research. Due to its focus on addressing the needs of a given brand, Customized Research has deeper analysis, and higher applicability, but the scope of application is also narrower than Syndicated Research.

For example: One brand of washing machines is aimed at older, married women. The brand's message is to save water. After a while, the brand noticed that the above message was not responded to by the user group. At this time, a study can be conducted to find out the cause and make recommendations for the brand. The results show: With the older group of women with families, they are often interested in the anti-wrinkle feature of the washing machine to save time on housework. This result should help improve the problem of this brand, but cannot be applied to other brands, due to the difference in the target user group.

See also: Washing Machine Goods Industry - Interesting Psychological Contradictions of Users

3. Syndicated Research or Customized Research for the Brand Problem?

Syndicated Research and Customized Research both have their own strengths. With the ability to provide a comprehensive view of the market, Syndicated Research contributes to building the foundation of a campaign. Next, Customized Research can be conducted to provide an in-depth perspective based on the brand's situation, thereby making appropriate adjustments to the marketing plan. However, there are certain differences between Customized Research and Syndicated Research that make it difficult to replace each other. Brands will not be able to achieve the desired results if they use Syndicated Research to address narrow or specific topics. Conversely, brands waste resources if they use Customized Research for overviews that can be solved with Syndicated Research.

Learn about Buzzmetrics' Syndicated Report Hub online reporting library here.

The Syndicated Report Hub online reporting library aggregates research proactively conducted by Buzzmetrics based on observations of common market needs. These studies do not serve a specific customer but will provide a panoramic view of users and the goods industry on the social network.
Đọc bài viết
Social Slang — The Trendy Language for Social Media Marketing

Social Slang is a way for brands to reach out to Gen Z customers (born between the mid-1990s and early 2000s). Let's learn about Social Slang with Buzzmetrics.

1. Social Slang - Why can't we ignore it?

In social media marketing, Language is an important weapon in the fight to attract the attention of the target customer. More than anyone else, marketers understand that in order to attract their target customers, they must say things related to them.

This is especially true for Generation Z (born from the mid-1990s to the early 2000s), the potential target audience that many brands are trying to connect. They grew up in an era of technological boom and this has certain implications on behavior, style, belief systems, life views. They are well versed in technology and social networks, so more demanding, more selective. Content that appeals to them must be connected to their needs and desires. The way to connect with this particular segment of consumers is Using their language to create content.. One of the ways to learn Gen-Z language is through popular social slang among their communities

In recent years, social media has contributed to the spread of many trending terms such as Crush, "Tha Thinh", "Soai Ca", "bodyshaming", "Nao Ca Vang"... and has really made a big impact in the youth community of Generation Z. These terms were formed, popularized thanks to social media and have been increasingly used by young people to describe a common situation in modern life or at their age.

Social media trends from solving a psychological need.. So focial slang terms,

2. Social Slang - What's interesting to find when digging into social listening data?

The majority of social slangs used by young people (1) reflect a truth about new user trends, new concern, (2) develop a new perspective on old problems in a more fashionable way or (3) the pressure to become a part of a specific group.

Regarding their popular channels, social slangs were almost widely used and spread from the Entertainment fanpage of small communities or microcommunites. The social slangs help young people develop a sense of belonging and feel like being connected to a group based on common interest.


To better understand how young people define or discuss their social slang, this article will delve into one of the most prominent terms of recent times: Crush.

social slang _Crush-định-nghĩa_1

Crush,according to the discussion of netizens on, can be summarized as: “The ones that we like, but we are not sure if we can call that "love". It seems like the feelings come from one side only." As can be seen from the definitions most mentioned by netizens, "Crush" causes huge discussions by correctly hitting a common emotional aspect of young people. They don't use words “one-sided loveor "slient love" to express this feeling because it seems that those familiar words are no longer relevant to young people today. When using the word Crush, or participating in discussions about “Crush” young people will have a feeling of togetherness with peers.

The emergence of social slangs also shows the needs of young people to find new expressions that better reflect their situation in this new age. Looking further, the popularity of  also comes from pressure to belong to a group (herd psychology). The value of fast-paced updates doesn't make sense for adults but it does make sense for young people because they were born and raised in an age of information saturation and dizzying change of information.


About the origin: Posts about Crush have appeared on Vietnamese social media sites since 2014, but have really emerged and become known since late 2016, thanks to the confession movement and love advice from entertainment fanpages such as The Society of Fairy Tale Enthusiastsc, Crush +, Ngon Tinh Everywhere, Tuoi Thanh Xuan, Tuyet Bitch Collection, Quotes Chat...

About discussion topics: Based on an interesting psychological truth: “Everyone has ever had or is having a crush on someone.” Hot fanpages always actively create a lot of discussion topics that revolve around this truth. Based on social listening data from BuzzMetrics, top posts are the posts that can satisfy the two most needs from young people:

- Find useful tips for their problem: Young people need suggestions on how to confess, suggestions on how to start a conversation with your crush, signs to identify if your crush likes you too...

- Share emotions/seek empathy: Young people are interested in questions as What it feels like to "crush" a person, Reasons to Love, What to Say To Your Crush, Tell About Memories, Being Rejected...


social slang _Crush-chủ-đề-hot_2


Have brands applied social slang to their social media marketing? If so, how did they do it? How effective is it? And are there any “must and must-not” that marketers should beware of when using these trendy terms? Watch Part 2 of the series on Social Media Glossary - Social Slang.

Learn about Buzzmetrics' Syndicated Report Hub online reporting library here.

The Syndicated Report Hub online reporting library aggregates research proactively conducted by Buzzmetrics based on observations of common market needs. These studies do not serve a specific customer but will provide a panoramic view of users and the goods industry on the social network.
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